Amid flags flying, police officers and a dog are marching in this scene. This portion of an unidentified parade is on W. State St. with Armstrong's clothing store, 315-319 W. State, and Ashton's Dry Goods store, 301-305 W. State, in the background.
A black and white rendering of West State Street in the moonlight. Businesses on the left include Armstrong's, Ashton's, and C. F. Henry's while on the right are signs for a hotel, Harvester Havana Cigars, and a dentist (Dr. Hayes).
This card is in a booklet stamped "Souvenir Letter: Views of Rockford, Ill." This depicts a cigar shop and a cafeteria on the left; Deming's, C. F. Henry's, Ashton's, and Armstrong's on the right.