George Sealy to his mother Maria Louisa Champion Sealy on June 29, 1862.
George Sealy to his mother Maria Louisa Champion Sealy on June 29, 1862.
George A. Sealy was born in the town Castle Cary, Somersetshire, England, May 11, 1841 to Richard Sealy (born c. 1804 in South Welton, England) and Maria Louisa Champion Sealy (born c. 1803 in Wells, England). His family (including 2 brothers & 1 sister) moved to Rochester, New York around 1843. They later moved to Geneva, NY and final settled in Rockford, IL in 1855. He and his 2 brothers served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. George (along with brother Robert) served in Company G, 45th Illinois Volunteers. He enlisted September 17, 1861 as a private and was later promoted to sergeant by his brother Robert. He was involved in both the siege and the occupation of Vicksburg, and was mustered out July 12, 1865. He married twice. His first wife was Jennie A. Paxson, who died of consumption at age 33 May 4, 1876. His second wife was Fannie E. Zimmerman (died in 1908), whom he married August 5, 1877 in Winnebago County. After the war, George worked for Emerson, Talcott and Co. in Rockford, acting as their superintendent. Upon leaving Talcott Emerson in 1896 he spent a short while working for Henry Sears Cutlery in Chicago before retiring the next year and moving to San Jose, CA. It was there he passed in November 15, 1909 suddenly, while dancing at a social gathering.
George Sealy
June 29, 1862
Midway Village Museum
Caro jun 29/1862
Dear Mother
I received fathers letter yesterday morning and also one from Mate and one from lil this morning but they found me rather under the wether [sic] I have had the disintary [sic] for the last four days and it has run me down so that I can hardly Crawl along and have lost any amount of flesh but I am better now I have the disintary [sic] stoped [sic] but am very week [sic] and can not eat any thing I suppose that it is the river water that gives it to us for most of the boys have it but not near as bad
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as I have had it but I hope that I shall be better after it I was sory [sic] that you hert [sic] your selfe [sic] so bad and hope that you will soon git [sic] better it has been raining and snowing all day to day but the most of the wether [sic] that we have had has been like spring but it is cold and stormmy [sic] now I was very glad to hear that father had settled with M and hope that he will have as good luck with the rest we do not see any signs of our going south as yet they keep sending expiditions [sic] and they return but we dont hear any thing that has been done but thare [sic] is troops coming hear [sic] every day so that they will do something in A short
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time the boys begin to talk of coming home they think that the war will be ended by harvest I dont know wether [sic] they will be disappointed or not but think that they will this is no place for A sick man this is the only time that I have been home sick but I have wished for home and Mother to make me something that I could eat but if I am well I would as soon be hear [sic] as any where else except home but I dont want you to think that I am tired of soldiering for I am not onely [sic] at this present time we git [sic] very good rations hear [sic] and I hope in A day or two to be able to eat mine again I was sory [sic] to hear [sic] that Charlie
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has been so sick and glad to hear [sic] that he is giting [sic] better now. Mother and All I want you to consider this and all others of my letters as familie [sic] letters and not expect me to answer them all indivigualy [sic] for that would keep me writing all the time but I will write to one of you every weak [sic] and should like to hear from all of you as often as you can write to me ask Mate how she likes matrimony for I would like to know I have no nuse [sic] to write for thare [sic] is non [sic] I suppose that you git [sic] more of that artical [sic] at home than we do hear [sic] give my love to all and beleave [sic] me as ever your loveing [sic] son
Good by [sic] dont feal [sic] bad becus [sic] I am sick for I shall soon be well again
Caro jun 29/1862
Dear Mother
I received fathers letter yesterday morning and also one from Mate and one from lil this morning but they found me rather under the wether [sic] I have had the disintary [sic] for the last four days and it has run me down so that I can hardly Crawl along and have lost any amount of flesh but I am better now I have the disintary [sic] stoped [sic] but am very week [sic] and can not eat any thing I suppose that it is the river water that gives it to us for most of the boys have it but not near as bad
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as I have had it but I hope that I shall be better after it I was sory [sic] that you hert [sic] your selfe [sic] so bad and hope that you will soon git [sic] better it has been raining and snowing all day to day but the most of the wether [sic] that we have had has been like spring but it is cold and stormmy [sic] now I was very glad to hear that father had settled with M and hope that he will have as good luck with the rest we do not see any signs of our going south as yet they keep sending expiditions [sic] and they return but we dont hear any thing that has been done but thare [sic] is troops coming hear [sic] every day so that they will do something in A short
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time the boys begin to talk of coming home they think that the war will be ended by harvest I dont know wether [sic] they will be disappointed or not but think that they will this is no place for A sick man this is the only time that I have been home sick but I have wished for home and Mother to make me something that I could eat but if I am well I would as soon be hear [sic] as any where else except home but I dont want you to think that I am tired of soldiering for I am not onely [sic] at this present time we git [sic] very good rations hear [sic] and I hope in A day or two to be able to eat mine again I was sory [sic] to hear [sic] that Charlie
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has been so sick and glad to hear [sic] that he is giting [sic] better now. Mother and All I want you to consider this and all others of my letters as familie [sic] letters and not expect me to answer them all indivigualy [sic] for that would keep me writing all the time but I will write to one of you every weak [sic] and should like to hear from all of you as often as you can write to me ask Mate how she likes matrimony for I would like to know I have no nuse [sic] to write for thare [sic] is non [sic] I suppose that you git [sic] more of that artical [sic] at home than we do hear [sic] give my love to all and beleave [sic] me as ever your loveing [sic] son
Good by [sic] dont feal [sic] bad becus [sic] I am sick for I shall soon be well again
Original Format
George Sealy, “George Sealy to his mother Maria Louisa Champion Sealy on June 29, 1862.,” Midway Village Museum - Digital Collections, accessed September 16, 2024,