A baby on a lawn in a residential neighborhood. The solid fence at the left served to provide privacy in neighborhoods where the houses are built close together. The outbuilding at the right would have housed a horse and carriage before automobiles…
A rustic style house with wood vertical siding, large shutters and a wooden cross bar railing on the balcony. The house is built over a two-car garage. The first garages were converted carriage houses as horses were replaced by automobiles. Garages…
Unidentified women pose near corn stalks. During the 1800s back yards were work spaces. A vegetable garden, refuse pile, livestock, and the outhouse were in the back yard. As automobiles became more common in the early 1900s, garages were placed at…
A car is parked in the driveway in front of the garage of Howard and Phylis Monson's home at 2023 Fifteenth Avenue. The back door of the house is facing the garage.