Browse Items (29 total)

2014.33.6 96 dpi wm.jpg
Photo of the March 25, 1929 flood taken in front of the Rockford Public Library looking towards the State Street bridge. Part of a pipe is exposed at the center.

2012.66.1094 300dpi 4x6.jpg
West downtown viewed from the State Street Bridge. The building in foreground is 120 West State Street. November 1993.

2012.66.1050 300dpi 4x6.jpg
June 1979 repair work on the State Street Bridge in downtown Rockford.

2012.66.959 300dpi 4x6.jpg
Buildings on the west side of the Rock River north of the State Street Bridge in November 1993.

2012.66.929 300dpi 4x6.jpg
Buildings on the west side of the Rock River at State Street. Buildings from left to right are United Bank, Rockford Trust Building, and the Luther Center.

2012.66.910 300dpi 4x6.jpg
View of the Luther Center and United Bank from the Rock River.

2012.66.482 300dpi 4x6.jpg
South side of the 200 and 300 blocks of West State Street looking east including J.C. Penney, D.J. Stewart and the Rockford Trust Building. The News Tower is in the background at left.

2012.66.463 300dpi 4x6.jpg
Reconstruction of East State Street downtown; photo taken from the roof of Rockford City Hall (425 East State Street), looking west in August 1982. The News Tower and the State Street bridge are in the top left corner. Visible on the north side of…

2012.66.455 300dpi 4x6.jpg
Luther Center, 111 West State Street, under construction as viewed from State Street Bridge.

2012.66.385 300dpi 4x6.jpg
The State Street bridge looking west, June 1979.

2012.66.260 300dpi 4x6.jpg
Construction work on the State Street Bridge, looking east towards the News Tower, City Hall, and East Side Inn.

2007.74.29 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
A view looking southwest across the Rock River and the State Street Bridge showing the business district of Rockford's near west side. The tall structure in the background is the Ziock building at 416 S. Main St. Amerock purchased this facility in…

76.108.17 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
A military color guard leads a marching band across the State Street Bridge into the first block of W. State Street in an American Legion parade. The News Tower building in the left background is actually on the east side of the Rock River at 97-99…

2001.19.3 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
With uniformed police in front, this unknown parade is crossing the Rock River via the State Street Bridge. The John Sexton & Co. building on the river bank is at the left of the photograph. The long, low slanted roof in the middle belongs to the…

85.109(I).901.29 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
A view looking down on a parade on E. State St. with the State Street Bridge and the Rock River in the middle distance and Rockford's west side beyond. On the right is the Rockford Lumber and Fuel Co. in the 200 block of E. State.

80.32.12 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
A view of the State Street Bridge facing west. With flags flying and crowds of people, this scene is a parade of some sort. The newspaper building is across the bridge in the middle and the library building's dome can be seen to the right.

85.109(I).905.45 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
This sidelong glance along a building shows W. State Street looking east across the State Street Bridge at E. State Street. A man can be seen crossing W. State, trolley lines traverse down the center of the road, and poles carry electric wires down…

2007.32.5 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
A view depicting the north side of State Street just west of the Rock River. Pictured are Forest City Insurance Co. and Rockford National Bank (left) and the State Street Bridge (right) originally known as City Bridge. For an additional view, see…

79.188.93 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
The Rock River is in the middle of this photograph, dividing Rockford's east side (lower portion) and west side (upper part). Notice the early and crude State Street Bridge, originally called City Bridge. The First Baptist Church is seen in the…

83.45.86 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
A view depicting the north side of State Street just west of the Rock River. Pictured are Forest City Insurance Co. and Rockford National Bank (left) and the State Street Bridge (right) originally known as City Bridge.

86.209.7 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
This view looks from the west side of Rockford across the Rock River to the east side between the Chestnut Street Bridge (right) and the State Street Bridge (left).

2001.15.36 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
An aerial view looking north, depicting the Rock River on the left and the News Tower building of the Rockford Register Star at 97 E. State Street. The State Street Bridge is in the lower part of the photo and the Jefferson Street Bridge spans the…

2001.15.28 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
This black and white photograph, possibly used in the Rockford Register Star newspaper, depicts the News Tower building at 97 E. State Street, on the east side of the Rock River between bridges: the State Street Bridge (lower) and the Chestnut Street…

2001.15.27 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
This black and white photograph, possibly used in the Rockford Register Star newspaper, depicts the News Tower building at 97 E. State Street, with its parking lot to the left, the Rock River to the right, and East State Street turning into the State…

2001.15.23 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
This view of the newspaper building, located at 97 E. State Street, on the east side of the Rock River, looks west at the State Street bridge and Rockford's downtown area beyond that on the west side of the river.

88.122.600 96 dpi watermarked.jpg
The State Street bridge frames the background of this wintry scene on the Rock River as skaters enjoy a winter afternoon.

2006.82.5 100 dpi watermarked.jpg
Color photograph of the News Tower Building on the East side of the Rock River by the State Street Bridge. Notice the boat pulling a skier in front of the building. On back: "Home of the Rockford Register-Republic and the Rockford Morning Star, and…

2013.24.3 100 dpi watermarked.jpg
View of West State Street across the State Street Bridge crossing the Rock River. The Register-Gazette Building is on the right.

74.665.34.6 100 dpi watermarked.jpg
View across Rock River from the News Tower showing the C.T.U. Building on the West side bank, a boat in the river, and cars on the State Street bridge.
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