Photo of the March 25, 1929 flood taken in front of the Rockford Public Library looking towards the State Street bridge. Part of a pipe is exposed at the center.
Agreement between C. I. Horsman and Thomas Boyd. Horsman agrees to provide stone to Boyd for building a store on State Street. Payment will be half in cash and half in trade.
Aetna insurance policy on merchandise of C.I. Horsman-- dry goods, silk and fancy goods-- at his store at State and Main in the Horsman Block. Dickerman Hathaway is the insurance agent.
Beginning construction of the Downtown Pedestrian Mall. Photo taken at State and Main Streets in September 1974. Duncan James Men's Wear, at 115 South Main, is in the background.
Groundbreaking for the Downtown Pedestrian Mall at State and Main Streets in September 1974. Duncan James Men's Wear, at 115 South Main, is in the background.
The State Street portion of the Downtown Mall, looking west. The large orange metal structure in foreground is part of Symbol, September 1983. Four Squires is visible on the righthand side.
The Downtown Mall, State and Wyman Streets, during installation of sculpture "Symbol". The sculpture would later be moved to the riverfront and painted orange.
This snowy wintry scene shows many people bundled against the cold, several in horse-drawn sleighs. H. N. Starr & Co. Hardware is next to a bakery and W. Andrews & Son is in the H. S. Post Co. building on the corner. The photo is dated March 1, 1890.…
This lively intersection shows a horse-drawn trolley (left) before the advent of electric streetcars, and Woodard & Parks, Fresh & Salt Meats, next to a Paper Hangings establishment on the right.