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Charlotte's Web calendar for September, 1982. Artwork by Ray Schulz. Musicians scheduled to perform include: Bo Joe Blues Band; Bob Gibson & Hamilton Camp; Jim Post; Randy Sabien; Diane Hamilton; Loose Change; L7; Bryan Bowers; Stan Rogers, Benny;…

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Charlotte's Web calendar for June, 1981. Musicians scheduled to perform include: Alto Pass; Juggular; Eclectricity; Stan Rogers; George Gritzbach; Panama; Byran Bowers; Gamble Rogers; Wendy Grossman; Tony Trischka Band; Ashley Osterman Alliance.

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Charlotte's Web calendar for January, 1982. Musicians scheduled to perform include: Randy Sabien Quartet; Stan Rogers; Alto Pass & Sleeper; The Dieselairs; Midnight Theater by NAT; Special Consensus; Ron Towel & Denny Carrol Quartet; Mike Cross.
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