Rockford Mass Transit District buses. In front of them are newspaper machines for the Rockford Register Star and the Chicago Tribune. The Henry George Cigar mural is visible in the background.
Building that became One Court Place before any changes were made to it. An advertising mural for Henry George Cigars is on the east side of the building.
West side of the 200 block of North Main Street (looking north from Mulberry Street) after mural painted on the south side of the building at 216 North Main Street in December 1984.
The Rockford Trust Building, 206 West State Street, and the Zenith electronics store on its east side that was later demolished. The orange sculpture on right side is Symbol, later relocated to the riverfront.
The State Street portion of the Downtown Mall, looking west. The large orange metal structure in foreground is part of Symbol, September 1983. Four Squires is visible on the righthand side.
The Luther Center, 111 West State Street, and the sculpture "Symbol" at State and Wyman Streets before the sculpture's relocation to the riverfront along North 2nd Street.
The Downtown Mall, State and Wyman Streets, during installation of sculpture "Symbol". The sculpture would later be moved to the riverfront and painted orange.