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- Tags: Mad Dancers Band
Charlotte's Web Calendar, August 1977.
Charlotte's Web Postcard, October 1976.
Charlotte's Web Postcard, October 1976.
Charlotte's Web Postcard, October 1976.
Tags: Brownie McGhee, Buck Stove and Ranger Company, Charlotte's Web, Chaunmcey Bimblebean, Dale Miller, Entourage Music & Theater Ensemble, Eskees, Folk music, Harry Waller, Jim Post, John Davis Explosion, John Hartford, Long Shot, Mad Dancers Band, Mark Henley, Michael Johnson, Mike & Barbara Smith, Moongerms, Odis Lovevul, Piper Road Spring Band, Sonny Terry, Tom Kotchkowiz
Charlotte's Web Postcard, July 1976.
Tags: Art Thieme, Ben Sidraw with Buffo, Berry- Natural Resources Design, Betsy Kaske, Bill Quateman, Bryan Bowers, Care of the Cow, Charlotte's Web, Claudia Schmidt, Dave Williams, Dick Pinney, Folk music, Gamble Rogers, Harry Waller, Inc, Jim Kweskin, John Hiatt, M, Mad Dancers Band, Mada Rue with At Day, Martin & Taylor, Megan McDonough, Mimi Farina, Moon Germs, Piper Road Spring Band, R, Ron Holm, Steve Goodman, Steve Ware