West riverfront at the Rockford Public Library showing buildings that would be demolished for construction of the Luther Center at 111 West State Street immediately south of the Library. April 1968.
Buildings on the west side of the Rock River at State Street. Buildings from left to right are United Bank, Rockford Trust Building, and the Luther Center.
Landscaping newly installed behind the Luther Center at 111 West State Street. The view is looking east. The building clearly in view in the background is the Waterside Building at 124 North Water Street.
Buildings on the northside of the 100 block of West State Street prior to being demolished for the construction of the Luther Center. Visible are Weise's Department Store, Comay's, and a billboard for Castronova's Bridal Salon. The red sign in the…
Municipal parking deck at State and Main under construction. The tall building in the background is the Luther Center at 111 West State Street in November 1984.
The Luther Center, 111 West State Street, and the sculpture "Symbol" at State and Wyman Streets before the sculpture's relocation to the riverfront along North 2nd Street.
North Wyman Street, looking north from West State Street, December 1993. Visible are Memorial Hall, the side of Luther Center, and the Elk's Club Building.