This photograph looks south down Main Street. The sign for the Chick House Hotel at Main and Elm Streets is visible in the lower middle foreground while the sign on the side of the building for the Illinois Hotel can be seen further down the block.
A view depicting the Illinois Hotel, William Hobart Printing, the Savoy Restaurant, and the Chick House Hotel on the right and E & W Clothing on the left.
A view depicting the Illinois Hotel, William Hobart Printing, the Savoy Restaurant, and the Chick House Hotel on the right and E & W Clothing on the left.
A view depicting the Illinois Hotel, William Hobart Printing, the Savoy Restaurant, and the Chick House Hotel on the right and E & W Clothing on the left.
A view depicting the Illinois Hotel, William Hobart Printing, the Savoy Restaurant, and the Chick House Hotel on the right and E & W Clothing on the left.
A view depicting the Illinois Hotel, William Hobart Printing, the Savoy Restaurant, and the Chick House Hotel on the right and E & W Clothing on the left.