Looking north on Douglas Street on Flag Day 1918 at Ingersoll Milling Machine Company. Employees gather outside. An American flag can be seen flying from the peak of a factory roof.
A photograph depicting several men in business suits on a large industrial machine at Ingersoll Milling Machine Company, 2400 Douglas, Rockford IL. Carl Erbe is the sixth figure from the left in a light jacket with his hands on controls in the…
Looking West across Douglas Street at Ingersoll Milling Machine Company. Automobiles and Trucks are parked on the street. The water tower is visible in the back of the property.
A view of Ingersoll Milling Machine Company from Douglas Street on July 10, 1917. Two cars are parked in front of the building and men can be seen installing windows.
The Monday Club 65th Birthday Luncheon, held at the home of Mrs. E. P. Lathrop at 105 Douglas. Identified are Mrs. Walter Green, Mrs. Webb Stevens, Mrs. Harold Walcott, Mrs. William E. Hinchcliff, Miss Louise Smith. The Monday Club was founded in…
The west side of Ingersoll Milling Machine Company after building expansions were completed in 1956. Several automobiles and trucks are parked in the foreground.