Color graphic rendering of the News Tower with the State Street Bridge to the left and the Rock River in the foreground. On back: "No better edited newspapers can be found than those published in Rockford with their heritage of serving Rockford and…
Color photograph of the News Tower Building on the East side of the Rock River by the State Street Bridge. Notice the boat pulling a skier in front of the building. On back: "Home of the Rockford Register-Republic and the Rockford Morning Star, and…
This view depicts horses and wagons on the street, pedestrians on the sidewalks, wires strung above across the street, and signs on the left advertising Doxsee and Son and Fritz's. Doxsee and Son were located at 407 East State Street.
"Hess Bros. Big Store (This Peterson Building covers a quarter of a block 19000 square feet floor space), State Street, Rockford, Ill. The small building on the left is the East Side Interurban Station."
A drawing of Hess' store, East State and Third Streets, Rockford IL, between pillars that boast "Value" and "Progress." The store is touted as "Rockford's Mammoth New Department Store" with the slogan, "Trade with Hess and pay less."
Color graphic depiction of trolley cars passing in the street, pedestrians crossing the street, a wagon on the left and a man on a bicycle on the right.
A busy street scene with a trolley, buggies, bicycles, automobiles, and pedestrians. C. F. Henry's and Deming's are on the left while Moffatt's is on the right.
Buggies, bicycles, and automobiles share the street with many pedestrians on the sidewalks. Amid the many overhanging business signs, C. F. Henry's is on the right.
A busy street scene with a trolley car and many automobiles. Chas. V. Weise Company and Kepner's Shoes are on the right; Anger Jeweler and G. W. Mindy are on the left.
With the moon above and a trolley car in the street, signs reading "Hotel," "Cigars," and "Dentist Hayes" are on the right, and Ashton's is on the left.
Just before Second Street, with Cities Service Gas & Parking and the Midway Theatre, showing a George Raft movie, on the left and the Hotel Faust with its coffee shop, cocktail lounge, and Rainbo Room for dining and dancing on the right.
C. F. Henry Clothing Co. is bottom left; on the right is Allen's, W. and F. Furniture Co., and the Republic Building in the far distance across the river.
Color photo of the Salad Bowl, 4321 W. State St., with four people on the lawn in front, three seated women and a man standing behind. "Dine with the Beasley's, Bill and Jessie. Home of golden fried chicken. More than 30 kinds of food on our…
A color graphic rendering of Hebner's, 4339 W. State Street. "Stop and see us, we are on Highway 20, one mile west of the city limits, end of Ingersoll Park."
This card is in a booklet stamped "Souvenir Letter: Views of Rockford, Ill." The Nelson Hotel, a formidable corner building, also boasts a pharmacy, a barbershop, and a cafe beneath the awnings lower right.
This card is in a booklet stamped "Souvenir Letter: Views of Rockford, Ill." This three-story corner structure houses Ekeberg's and Fulton and Anderson Clothing, Furnishings, and Hats.
This card is in a booklet stamped "Souvenir Letter: Views of Rockford, Ill." This depicts a cigar shop and a cafeteria on the left; Deming's, C. F. Henry's, Ashton's, and Armstrong's on the right.
On the left there are signs for a Ladies' Tailors, Ashton's, and C. F. Henry in the second block; on the right are signs for a Dentist, Harvester Havana Cigars Smoke Shop, and a Hotel sign.